Simple but significant…

Make it simple, but significant.— Don Draper.

I was excited to finally decide on a clinic name. I am fairly certain I know which EHR to use. I’ve figured out efax, have my domain established and am getting started on a website. However, I’ve been working to create a good logo for my clinic with little to no success.

I spent 3 days dreaming up different ideas for a logo incorporating the universal symbol for diabetes and something to do with mountains. I spent the better part of an afternoon trying to create a free survey to get feedback (without success). I relied on family and friends and wow - were their opinions diverse? No matter how many designs I showed them, votes would be evenly split. However, I was not thrilled by any of them. I reached out to a marketing firm for help and was quoted $60-120,000 for branding including a logo. What?!

Enter Fiverr. This is a one-stop shop for every sort of designer you can imagine. From graphic design and marketing to fashion design and architecture, there are experts in every field featured on Fiverr. The individual designer’s prices are listed for the service and you contract for a “gig.” Naturally there are professional firms on Fiverr that have top dollar prices for their gigs. However, there are hundreds of independent contractors from around the world offering similar services at much lower prices I set my price filter at $0-$5 for logo design and voila! Dozens of people met this criteria. I paid for gigs with 3 different designers and waited. Within a week I had 9 different original logos at my disposal! By paying $5/designer rather than $20/1 design, I was able to enlist the help fo several different designers and have a diverse selection to choose from.

My new logo was created by Sarah in Pakistan. I think she did a great job, don’t you?


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